Never settle with quality

Thorough testing

We define stability. Our tests are the industry standard for assessing component robustness and quality. We are used in critical environments were a fault cannot be tolerated such as medical or even defense areas.

We are always improving our tests so that the slightest issue can be detected before it becomes a problem.

Fast and sharp

Speed is of the essence when it comes to stress testing. While some times cannot realistically be made shorter due to physical constraints, OCCT is known to detects errors, and fast !

Save time and money by tailoring exact stress tests in a single schedule that fits your requirements. Gain time and efficiency.

Highly customizable

All our tests are designed with experts : assemblers, manufacturers, or even competitve overclockers. They adapt to all the scenarios that are coming from modern components.

Design your own test suite that will fit your needs.

Fully automatable

OCCT makes a seamless integration in your supply chain. You can automate either the full-fledged version of OCCT or its command-line version for a lightweight execution.

We designed OCCT to be fully portable, automatable, so you don't have to worry and can focus on what you do best.

Production chain ready

OCCT is testing hundreds of thousands of setups every passing month. We currently act as the quality control tool of choice for numerous manufacturers and assemblers.

Devise your own tests, have OCCT run them automatically and output its reports in a location of your choice. You can then grab the results, parse them easily, and go onwards with your process.

Comprehensive testing

Every component is put through the test. Different kind of loads and analysis are done, replicating either extreme or more realistic scenarios, allowing for a complete and thorough analysis.

Unlike other softwares that dedicate themselves to a single component or have stress tests as an afterthought, we take stability very seriously. There's no point in having a higher score in a benchmark if you crash.

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